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Central MA Alliance of PACs (CMAPAC) for Special Education
PACs online in Central MA

As we make headway into the 21st Century, CMAPAC is pleased to present the following Parent Advisory Councils who have developed web sites for their organization and community. The Internet is a powerful communications device for parents who have children with special needs. Access to information and resources are key for parents to be effective advocates for their children. There are many opportunities for FREE web site development. If your PAC has any members who work in the computer industry, or are comfortable with computers, they may have an interest in developing one for your organization. Just ask! If you have a web site and are not listed below, please send your URL to cmapac@lycos.com and get more exposure.





Nashoba Valley/Lancaster Area

Wachusett Regional (Rutland, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland and Sterling)
[URL to be announced soon]

For help creating a web site for your PAC, contact CMAPAC Chairwoman, Susan Holmes, (508) 753-2425, or cmapac@lycos.com.

Susan can also help set up, or conduct, a training session to teach parents in your PAC how to create and use an email account, and how use the internet to research disability information.

Why wait? Get your PAC online soon!!