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Central MA Alliance of PACs (CMAPAC) for Special Education
About Us

The Central MA Alliance of Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), or "CMAPAC" for short, is just that -- an alliance of Special Education PACs in Central Massachusetts. In many ways, it will serve as a local version of "MASSPAC" (Mass. Association of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils), by helping new PACs get started, helping existing PACs by providing information and support, providing updates on legislative actions related to special education, etc.

That's not to say that parents in Central MA should not join MASSPAC and attend their meetings. MASSPAC is an excellent organization, run by dedicated and knowledgeable people, which all parents of children with disabilities should be aware of as it has much to offer. Besides great quarterly informational meetings and newsletters, the MASSPAC website is a wonderful resource.

CMAP Startup Committee:

Susan Holmes, Paxton, MA
Phone#: (508) 753-2425
Email: CMAPAC@lycos.com

Susan is the Chairwoman of the Wachusett Regional School Distirct SEPAC (Special Ed. PAC), covering the towns of Holden, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, and Sterling.

Robin Foley, Worcester, MA
Email: rfoley@sevenhills.org

Robin is the Chairwoman of the Worcester PAC and a Vice President at Seven Hills Foundation.

Jackie Samalis, Shrewsbury, MA
Telephone: (508)
Email: jsamalis@elantec.com

Jackie is a parent of a child with a disability and an active member of the Shrewsbury PAC.

Contact Information

To contact Susan by phone, dial: (508)753-2425 and leave a detailed voicemail message including your name, telephone number, purpose of your call, a good time to return your call, and any other pertinent information

To contact CMAPAC by email, send to: CMAPAC@lycos.com

Parents, educators, administrators, and special education professionals are encouraged to register via email to ensure they receive up-to-date notices regarding CMAP's activities in between any future postal mailings. Please include the following information to register:

Name, address, telephone#, fax# (if you have one), and email address. Also, please let us know if you are a parent, an educator, an administrator, or a special education professional (and in what discipline, i.e. SP&L, OT, PT, etc.).